JVSolutions (Copy)

Consulting and Advisory Services

Areas of Specialty

Running a joint venture department is complex and there are a lot of moving parts. You do not have to do it alone! We have been providing consulting and advisory services to Joint Venture and Production Accounting departments across North America and internationally since 1995, primarily in the energy sector. We are customer focused; dedicated professionals committed to helping you build confidence in your processes and bottom line.

Joint Venture Management Consulting

JVSolutions monitors and manages operated and non-operated energy properties by providing the following services

  • Contract administration

  • Land and joint venture administration

  • AFE and mail ballot review

  • Negotiation of terms for third party service arrangements and agreements

  • Review of contracts and agreements

  • Analysis of joint venture billings

Production, Revenue, Royalty Assistance

JVSolutions provides the energy industry a variety of operational / production accounting services.  Here are some of the services that JVSolutions provides:

  • Production Accounting

  • Production Accounting Set up

  • Petrinex uploads

  • Crown Royalties all provinces

  • Gross Overriding Royalties

  • Freehold Royalties

  • Indian Oil and gas Royalties

  • Carbon and Motor Fuel Tax

  • Revenue

  • Fees

  • Trucking Charges

  • Regulatory Compliance

  • Desk Audits

  • Facility delineations

  • Product Allocation

  • System Conversion Consulting

  • Training

Analytics & Troubleshooting of Property Disputes

JVSolutions can assist our energy clients with resolving specific property and/or vendor disputes. An in depth analysis of the disputes and related contracts is completed and then recommendations for action are presented to the client. Our in-depth industry knowledge ensures practical solutions to our energy client's joint venture business problems. If disputes persist and legal council is required, JVSolutions provides expert witness testimony and expert report writing services.

Training Services

JVSolutions provides customized Joint Venture courses to individuals and/or companies in the energy industry. Training programs are created to specifically address the client's requirements. Some of the topics we cover are:

  • Joint Venture Accounting

  • Joint venture Auditing

  • Joint Venture Agreements

Joint Venture Accounting Assistance

JVSolution's joint venture accounting services include, but are not limited to:

  • Joint Venture non-operated accounting

  • Capital, operating expense equalizations / 13th month adjustments

  • Accounts Receivable clean up

  • Payout calculations

  • Special projects relating to accounting that are specific to the client requirements

Contract and Agreement Management

JVSolutions assists in reviewing, negotiating and preparing joint venture contracts and agreements, which may include the following, but not limited to:

  • Joint Operating

  • Pooling

  • Construction, Ownership and Operating

  • Contract Operating

  • Gas Transportation

  • Gas Compression

  • Gas Processing

  • Gas Handling

  • Water disposal

  • Unit agreement

  • Unit Operating

  • Participation agreement

  • Farm – In

  • Farm – Out

Employee Placement and Outsourcing

Given our experience in the energy industry, our business network is extensive. JVSA / JVSolutions will help you find exceptional people for full time or part-time consulting and/or employment. We focus our placement efforts on all aspects of your company including, but not limited to:

  • Joint Venture Operations

  • Accounting (Joint Venture and production)

  • Land

  • Administration

  • Operations

  • Special projects

  • Internal audit

  • Joint Venture audit coordination

Now, more than ever, companies are finding it cost effective and more efficient to outsource specific roles and departments to specialized service providers. JVSolutions can assist you in all your outsourcing requirements

Dispute Resolution

JVSolutions can assist in resolving complex joint venture and contractual disputes, which can include settlement of outstanding audit exceptions, but is not limited to that. The combination of our in-depth industry knowledge with our highly regarded auditing practices ensures practical solutions to our energy client's joint venture business problems. If disputes persist and legal council is required, JVSolutions provides expert witness testimony and expert report writing services.

Contract Verification/Compliance within the Land System

JVSolutions preforms an internal review of the client's operated contracts from wellhead to delivery point. Ensuring that all contracts are in place and recorded accurately. The review includes:

  • Contract review for all properties

  • Ensure all necessary agreements are in place

  • Land System review for accuracy

  • Ensuring all eligible fees are charged out

  • Process / procedure evaluation for efficiency and accuracy

Acquisition Data Analysis

JVSolutions aides in the review and analysis of all data provided to the client upon acquisition. Ensuring data reconciles and that all information has been received and can be reported on. Below is a list of some of the items that can be reviewed:

  • General Ledger

  • Trial Balance

  • Vouchers

  • Invoices

  • AFE balances

  • Transaction data

The items listed above can be in hard copy or in soft copy (data dump.) Once data has been received, JVSolution’s creates an appropriate structure for data review. Analysis is completed and report prepared to discuss findings.